Facilities at The Cordes Hall
The Cordes Hall has an impressive Main Hall used by exercise groups, by individuals and organisations for parties, for display events, for business groups.
As the Cordes Hall Theatre, the hall seats over 100 in tiered seating. The stage is fully equipped for professional productions, with newly installed state of the art lighting.
The Meeting Room, with direct access to Sunninghill High Street, can be used separately from the Main Hall. Perfect for a Board meeting or even a small lunch party.
There is also a Stage Bar with full premises licence.
Modern Toilets, including a disabled toilet.
Large screen cinema/presentation equipment, including a drop down screen and laser projector with blu ray player and stereo speakers.
If you want to hold a private screening, or if you're a business looking to make an impact with a presentation - Cordes Hall is the perfect venue.
Rates for hire will apply.